Youth Support Programme- 'Making a Difference'


The Consortium believes that the integrated services that it offers to young people and the community is unique. The Youth Support program compliments LsportsC’s coaching and competition program. The management’s main priority is to develop the individual, via team building, discipline and challenge.

The organisation makes great efforts to develop good citizens and character. It is not just about sports participation and winning. The Consortium , essentially a Community Development Organisation, with its vast experience, has learnt that a holistic approach is the only way of developing, balanced responsible, respectful and positive individuals, that are able to contribute to a socially cohesive society.

Every member of the management team, volunteers, sports teams and former members have benefited from the power of sport that has been closely entwined with education and training achievement. We expect all our members, users and volunteer staff, to continually pursue school, further and higher education; academic, professional and vocational qualifications. In order that beneficiaries fulfil their potential and the attainment of future employment or careers, that enables them to become fully participating members of society.


Stages Of Project And Requirements


Start of Project: Recruitment, Co-ordinator & Participants



End of Project:


Final assessments, evaluation will be carried out with contributions by participants, placement providers and partner organisations. Testimonials & CV's will be produced along with a statement of individual learning or experiential needs required to move forward. In the final stage of the project all participants will be supported to secure employment / voluntary work or signposted to further education or training.

Assessment of the project will be continuous throughout its duration. Evaluation will be measured against the Success Criteria set out in the attached Outline Timescale. We intend to track participant's developments beyond the end of the project.


Classes & workshops


GCSE exam and SAT’s
Preparation Classes

Social Education/
Crime Diversion Workshops

Cultural Education/
Motivation Classes



The purpose of the program is support BME primary school pupils, to gain improved SAT'S test results and BME secondary school pupils to achieve the requisite 5 GCSE ‘s grades; A-C. The preparation classes will concentrate on the 3 core areas of English, Math’s and Science.


The main purpose of these sessions is to create good citizens by encouraging young people to question negative behaviour, which may socially exclude them from making successful progress in the pursuit of education, training and future careers and positive life choices.


The main purpose of these sessions is to improve self-worth, cultural identity and positive self-image of mainly BME young people. These sessions will concentrate on what it takes to be a successful person, both in the past and present throughout the black Diaspora from Africa, Caribbean, USA and Britain.


One to One
Mentorship program

Enterprise Encouragement Program




The idea is to identity particular young people who exhibit early signs of challenging behaviour at home, within coaching programs, socially and at school. Coaches team managers and general volunteers are strongly encouraged to take on mentoring young people . Volunteer mentors from a local church’s community team will be specifically tasked to provide support to more vulnerable young people.
The scheme aims to promote, encourage and support young people, volunteers and members to view enterprise as a self employment and income option. The program will include informal one to one sessions, small group workshops and enterprise talks supported by local entrepreneurs. The Consortium will work in partnerships with agencies like Prince's Trust


The consortium welcomes partners that are interested in working to together with us to delivery the Youth Support Program.

Please contact us for further information